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Who holds the men’s pole vault world record?

Armand Duplantis

Armand "Mondo" Duplantis, a Swedish-American athlete, has once again pushed the boundaries of pole vaulting by setting a new world record of 6.24 meters at an indoor competition in 2024. This feat adds to a series of impressive records, reinforcing his reputation in the world of athletics. This remarkable achievement has not only redefined the standards of this sport but has also captivated the attention of the public and sports enthusiasts, dramatically illustrating the human capacity to push limits. From a young age, Duplantis has displayed prodigious talent and unwavering determination to reach unprecedented heights, both literally and figuratively. His journey in the world of pole vaulting is a true source of inspiration, demonstrating that barriers are meant to be surpassed and records are there to be broken.

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